When the Danish Co-op bank Lån og Spar needed a commercial showcasing members' special benefits

Lån & Spar is a Danish bank for strong communities. Lån & Spar was founded by the community for the community. In 1880, a group of citizens came together to found Laane og Sparekassen for Embeds- og Bestillingsmænd. Among them was the influential Brygger Jacobsen. Together they created a brand new bank that gave ordinary people the opportunity to borrow money on reasonable terms.
Lån & Spar wanted to explain why they stand out significantly from the competition. The bank's customers are co-owners of the bank through their trade union.
As part of a larger branding project, Lån & Spar needed a TV advertisement that could raise awareness of the customers' particular advantages with them.
The advertising had to convey Lån & Spar's values and community across these trade unions and professions. The video should illustrate that they all have it together, that they are co-owners of the bank.
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Lån & Spar is owned by more than 50 trade unions in Denmark. This makes all members co-owners of the bank – and provides special benefits. As a member and co-owner of the bank, you get, among other things, Denmark's best interest rate on your salary account, low fees and good car loans - but most of all, you get a bank that understands you and speaks your language. After all, it is also your bank.
The target group was broad, as it had to both hit the trade union members and entertain the TV viewer.
The TV commercial had to increase awareness among the primary target group (the members), and the target group had to be able to identify with the message.
Therefore, we selected four different people from recognizable trade unions in their profession: lawyer, nurse, teacher and police officer.
To make the advertisement identifiable to a wider target audience, we showed the same people in their leisure interests: music, swimming, roller skating or motocross.
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